6 Reasons Nonprofits Need Public Relations

Public Relations brings greater awareness to your cause, industry, and brand through media relations and digital & social media campaigns. Gain audiences and influence by educating others on the importance and impact of your mission. Moreover, add compelling visuals and videos to your marketing arsenal. Minimize damage from unfavorable opinions. Responding effectively and with sensitivity to issues of diversity & social justice so that your audiences can feel your compassion.

Bespoke public relations strategies attract volunteers, engage members, and increase attendance at meetings and events. The larger your base, the greater your access to contributors with expert services & talents needed to support, grow and share your mission. Yes, virtual volunteering is a thing! There are also ways to keep in-person volunteers safe while still having an impact on your community.

Cultivating and maintaining a positive public image through PR strategies that highlight your organization’s hard work & accomplishments is integral to financial stability. PR helps to both retain current donors and casts a wider net for new, more robust, or unconventional funding sources. Currenlty, there are more organizations vying for the same funding. And as the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so adequately sharing your narrative is a must.

Public relations professionals understand that legislation can have a huge impact on an organization’s goals, especially in the current social climate. Thus, targeted strategies can increase the likelihood that legislators will act in the best interest of your cause. Even nonprofits that cannot directly lobby legislators can still be influential through media campaigns, newsletters, social media & the bigger squad.

Host stellar, memorable events – virtual or in-person – where guests not only enjoy themselves but leave with a greater understanding of your mission, how it impacts their lives and how they can affect change in their own way. Not only will they attend the next affair, but they will bring a friend. And events are a tried and true way to engage your audience.

There are numerous benefits to partnerships with organizations whose mission is closely related or complementary to yours as a result of targeted public relations efforts. Collaborations can increase capacity, generate funding, provide opportunities for talent sharing & open doors to new markets.